Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5

This morning's silence was broken by the sound of shattering glass downstairs. In the time it takes you to leap out of bed and bound down the stairs, you're thinking of all of the things you hope your cat didn't break. Everything on the end table took a dive, thanks to her morning crazies. Her "morning crazies" are when she runs from one end of the apartment to the other as fast as she can about five times. Luckily the lamp and its shade are in one piece, but the lightbulb and glass tumbler sitting next to it weren't so lucky.

She purred heavily for the next hour. I tell myself that her purring is out of terror for the commotion she had caused, but I have to wonder if she's just really pleased with herself.

Anyways, I'm always delighted when I forget that I'm wearing lipstick and I end up incriminating myself by leaving a trail of kisses on her face.





  1. my cats both act up in the morning, i assume to wake me for breakfast. knocking things over, scratching the walls, pawing at my face.

    despite being somewhat irritating, it's rather endearing as well.

    p.s. i love your snowy white cat.

  2. that lipstick thing is the sweetest thing i've ever heard/seen. god DAMN tess.

  3. Delighted you decided it wasn't a silly idea to blog about your divine kitty. You really have an eye for beauty and it was her that drew me to your photos in the first place - along with some amazing snowy suburbs. I love Sakura's antics!

  4. Beautiful cat!
